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Trusted Web: Redefining Transparency and Control for Advertisers

In a world where digital advertising has become increasingly complex, Trusted Web is here to change the game for advertisers. Launched by Berlingske Media and Concept X, Trusted Web introduces a self-service ad platform that empowers advertisers to regain control, offering unprecedented transparency, brand safety, and direct access to premium ad inventory.

For years, advertisers have been navigating a convoluted landscape dominated by tech giants, where transparency is lacking, and a significant portion of advertising spend is lost along the way. But with Trusted Web, the focus shifts back to the essentials: ensuring that your ad spend works harder for you.

Simplifying Complexity with Transparency

Christine Liv Nielsen, the newly appointed CEO of Trusted Web, is determined to address the very issues that have plagued advertisers for years: "We want to bring transparency and brand safety to the market. When advertisers invest in a campaign, they should see those results reflected in a clear and understandable way."

A key advantage of Trusted Web lies in its transparent value chain, ensuring that advertisers know exactly where their money goes and what value they receive. This marks a significant departure from traditional models, where up to 49% of ad spend can be lost to intermediaries and third parties.

With Trusted Web, you can be confident that your advertising budget is being utilized efficiently, with full visibility across the entire process. Additionally, the platform offers brand safety, ensuring your ads are placed in reputable environments and that every campaign is as effective as possible.

Advanced Targeting with Contextual Precision

The platform also brings contextual targeting to the forefront, enabling advertisers to match their messages with the most relevant content. This is further enhanced by Concept X’s extensive network of 120-200 niche sites such as Maduniverset, which complements the reach of Berlingske’s leading news media properties.

Contextual targeting eliminates the need for relying solely on third-party data. Instead, ads are delivered in the right context, ensuring a deeper connection with your audience. By aligning with the content users are consuming, brands can achieve higher engagement, better results, and a more personalized advertising experience—all without compromising privacy.

The Power of First-Party Data

Trusted Web plans to leverage Berlingske Media’s extensive first-party data to enhance targeting capabilities even further. Christine Liv Nielsen has indicated that by 2025, first-party data will be integrated into the platform, offering advertisers exclusive access to premium insights, making campaigns even more effective. This shift will provide advertisers with a unique edge, especially as the industry moves away from third-party cookies.

A Proven Success Model

Trusted Web is built on the successful foundations laid by DPG Media’s Ad Manager in Belgium and the Netherlands, where it has revolutionized the way advertisers engage with media properties. Christine Liv Nielsen views this launch in Denmark as a critical first step, with plans to expand into other Nordic and Northern European markets after gaining traction locally.

“We’re starting strong in Denmark, but the goal is to expand further into the Nordics and eventually into Northern Europe,” says Christine Liv Nielsen. “This is about much more than launching a platform - it’s about reshaping the digital advertising landscape.”

Ready to Take Back Control?

Trusted Web offers advertisers a unique opportunity to regain control of their digital ad spend with full transparency and access to a robust network of trusted media sites. As the platform continues to grow, it’s clear that it represents a new era of advertiser-driven results - free from the constraints of traditional big-tech advertising ecosystems.

Please reach out to Concept X or Trusted Web directly, if you want to learn more about the platform.

Christian Ortwed

Partner & Chief Revenue Officer